Jul 28, 2013


July 27 Day 38 Burns Lake to Smithers

Today Sonja and I rode together from Burns Lake to Houston along the Highway of Tears, a ride of 80km.  We saw a poster for Perry Sebastian who has been missing since December 2011.

The ride itself was cool and against against the wind with fairly  high elevations and increasingly dramatic views of snow covered mountains and large valleys.  In Houston, Scott Dunn from the Sun Times did an interview with me on the Change the Cycle Tour and I enjoyed his interest and detailed questions about violence against women and Highway of Tears.

In Houston we also met a Swedish woman, Solvig Olsson, who runs a tea shop and is involved with Highway of Tears activities.  She had a wonderful banner to remember two local women with a prayer that is an adaptation by Chief Yellow Lark, a Lakota Sioux spiritual leader, called “Oh Great Spirit”.  The prayer honours all women missing along the Yellowhead Highway.  I would have liked to talk more with her but I had another interview lined up in Smithers so I had to leave her pleasant shop (she also gave us a free coffee!).

After Houston, Sonja decided to ride with Colleen in the car to Smithers.  Eighty kms and lots of big hills was enough for her first ride after two months in the Arctic –  she had not been on a bike for a long time.

I carried on solo, but unfortunately my back wheel rim had a crack and spokes started to break. That is quite scary on the steep and long down hills.  When the wheel is in such a state it can suddenly warp to the extend where it completely stops turning.  The cracked back wheel caused me quite a bit of stress as i needed to get this fixed, and I had to do the interview in Smithers.

I was able to temporarily true the wheel and bike as fast as I could to make it to Smithers before the bike store would close.  Sonja found a great shop called McBike and alerted them of my problem. They were wonderful and waited for me and eventually rebuilt the wheel.   So, the ride can go on.  While they fixed the wheel, I did an interview with Kevin at Peak Radio.  He did a great job asking about the significance of Change the Cycle to end violence against women and he included questions about the Highway of Tears.  He acknowledged in his questions that the murder and disappearance of girls and women is on everybody’s mind. 

Later I met a woman who expressed her concern about girls continuing to hitchhike here.  I agreed with her, but also added that the principle issue is that there are men preying on women and girls (and recently teenaged boys).  That’s what we really need to address.  There are so many reasons why girls may end up on the road.  One woman spoke with me a few days ago.  She told me the story of having had an argument with her daughter and eventually the daughter ran away. The woman said she was so scared for her daughter.  Nothing happened in that case, but I think as parents we all can relate to stories like this one, but most of us do not need to feel this woman’s terror when kids act like this (which is often part of growing up).   And just like anywhere else, these kids feel invincible.

Later in the evening Colleen and Sonja went out to see Driftwood Canyon and get a better view of the snowy mountains.  They were able to have a short visit with Sheila Peters and her husband Lyn who live in this very beautiful area.  Sheila is a friend of Laura Robinson’s and we had hoped to meet them for supper, but the bike repair ended that plan.  It was nice to meet Sheila after reading her wonderful poem on one of the placards on the trail in the park.

Below is a picture of the rail yard at Burn’s Lake


On the road to Smithers


Smithers Downtown

smithers downtown


6 thoughts on “July 27 Day 38 Burns Lake to Smithers

  1. Charlotte Lehmann

    Hi from your neighbor. I am very interested in all you have written. Hello To Colleen too ! Congrats on all you have completed and are yet to achieve in this ride. Summer of 2013. Cheers ! Charlotte

    1. joachim ostertag

      Thanks Charlotte
      This is a great project and possible because of the great support from the community
      All the best

  2. Pat O'Connor

    Congratulations Joachim. You are a rolling role model. And to think: our humble hill at Inglis Falls helped to get you into shape for this splendid effort.

  3. Doris Arnold & Elizabeth Cockburn

    Hi Joachim
    We are very proud of your efforts and are impressed with your ability to ride such long distances each day and to keep us informed back here in Owen Sound. Our thoughts are with you as you continue in this very worthy cause.
    Stay safe and give our best wishes to Colleen, your family and friends.

    Doris and Elizabeth

    1. joachim ostertag

      Thanks Elisabeth and Doris
      Yes this has been a very worthwhile project and I hope it makes a bit of a difference
      All the best
      More blogs still to come


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